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- Engagements
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- Engagements
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- Methods and tools
- Discover our ecosystem
- Mediation circles
- Funding
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- …
- Engagements
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- Services catalogue
- Events
- Methods and tools
- Discover our ecosystem
- Mediation circles
- Funding
- Franchise
- Contact

Booster of innovation, creativity, and strategic agility oriented towards future generations
Sustainability and decarbonization action plans
Let’s co-create bold and unique priorities
and take a new dimension
Offer yourself concrete and tangible achievements for your CSRD plan and your ESG objectives by investing in our innovative project teams with high environmental and societal impact to reduce CO2 emissions, save water and protect oceans and glaciers.
How can we support you concretely?
We offer you a unique platform for new ideas to take shape and for people to share their ideas freely
With our services and with the methods and tools of collective intelligence, systemic thinking, design thinking, and with our unique experience of fablabs, third places and living labs, we work tirelessly to offer the best approaches to management of innovation (open, sustainable, radical, incremental, adjacent, or disruptive).
Our co-creation workshops provide a structure for your new products and services.
We thus facilitate the co-design, co-creation, co-design, optimization and automation of your processes.
We can also support you in analyzing your raw material flows or your production methods.
Thanks to our constantly moving ecosystem , our experience in support systems for innovative companies and with our skills, we can assist you with:
- identify, bring together and organize your stakeholders in a coherent ecosystem
- guide you through the stages of the innovation process in a sustainable way
- advise you in the definition and execution of your strategy
For an hour, for a day or for life ;-)!!!
Here is our value proposition for you summarized in 3 points.
1We help you grow by stress testing your value proposition
2Get off to a good start with a credible project team
3To help you achieve your CSR/ESG or CSRD objectives
Let's take the height!
Let's become aware of the climate emergency, change our habits and behaviors and take action!
Some good reasons to realize the potential of your high-impact ideas!
1- Gain visibility and efficiency thanks to our BaaS franchise
2- Join our innovative ecosystem and our community of interest and values
3- Enrich your exploration areas to expand your ecosystem
4- Network and find talents, future members of innovative project teams
6- Develop your growth mindset, flexibility, plasticity and agility
7- Get involved in improving air and water quality (and therefore health and life) in the smart city
8- Meet the players in the symbiotic, circular and regenerative economy, during our friendly and eco-responsible events .
“Too many innovative ideas do not have the success they deserve.
Forgotten in drawers or not funded when they should be."
To reduce these risks, to seize the best market opportunities and to optimize the probability of commercial and financial success of innovative initiatives, we support you.
Our vision and mission
Syntezia Sàrl is a private company (VSE) specializing in strategy, innovation, sustainability, decarbonization and positive change.
It is also the host of a user-oriented living lab ("host" of a "tech for good user driven and customer centric living lab") specializing in nature-based solutions (NBS) and biodiversity protection .
Our vision is to meet the major challenge of our generation, and to tackle the causes and consequences of climate change, by proposing new sustainable economic models to our programs and by co-creating new value propositions with our clients.
Our mission is to support companies and organizations in their diagnostics, in their actions and in their growth, by providing them with tailor-made solutions, adapted to their needs and their challenges.
We develop our own projects and we also support our clients in their transformations.
We want to become your trusted partner, an agent of positive change and a solid and stable reference for all our customers and partners.
We offer you high-level expertise and experience, a collaborative approach and impeccable ethics while contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions and the achievement of the sustainable development objectives of all our stakeholders.
Our approaches are based in particular on the identification and development of our clients' skills to help them self-assess priority, pragmatic and relevant areas of action for their field of activity.
Our identity and our know-how
Our rich and varied professional experience, our knowledge of living lab methods and tools, our enthusiasm and motivation allow us to open new perspectives to our partners.
This also allows us to approach each mission with great curiosity and a desire to satisfy our customers and partners.
Through the design of responsible digital solutions , rapid prototypes, platforms, apps, use cases. personas, modern training modules, living lab tools and methods, we accelerate the development of projects with a high ESG impact .
We are particularly seeking to accelerate the reduction of CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions and to reduce any other form of air, water or soil pollution.
Together, let 's realize the full potential of innovative project teams in Switzerland , Europe and around the world!
Aware that we are tackling multi-dimensional and complex “wicked problems”, we have chosen to replicate our approach within the framework of our BaaS franchises (business as a service).
1Become a franchisee in the colors of syntezia
2Let's co-create an eco-challenge
3Let's finance a project team
A crazy idea?
A childhood dream to come true?
An opportunity to create new perspectives through an innovative project?
We are here to help you design, realize and develop!
Let's exchange within our thematic mediation circles
Find our different LinkedIN pages by sector of activity.
You will find the main stakeholders there, committed to causes or consequences linked to decarbonization and the achievement of the 17 sustainable development objectives).
Start the dialogue
Interested in a meeting or a video? You choose !
Syntezia Sàrl,
Rue Chantepoulet 10,
1201 Genève - Suisse8:30
18:000041 79 561 10 54 (Signal) / 0041 22 548 39 75Let's make an appointment
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