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- …
- Engagements
- Services
- Services catalogue
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- Methods and tools
- Discover our ecosystem
- Mediation circles
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- Engagements
- Services
- Services catalogue
- Events
- Methods and tools
- Discover our ecosystem
- Mediation circles
- Funding
- Franchise
- Contact
- …
- Engagements
- Services
- Services catalogue
- Events
- Methods and tools
- Discover our ecosystem
- Mediation circles
- Funding
- Franchise
- Contact

Syntezia Sàrl and social impact
We started the B-Corp approach from the company creation.
The social impact of the company Syntezia Sàrl has become a concern for all stakeholders and its measurement is a major strategic issue.
We seek to identify at every opportunity how the company's activity has an impact on society and to measure the effects, both positive and negative.
This includes in particular:
- meet regulatory constraints,
- report on the impact to partners and stakeholders,
- communicate about our services and promote the policies implemented,
- sustainably sustain our activity.
The social impact of the company Syntezia Sàrl is defined as the sum of the differentials generated by its activity in the value chains of its direct and indirect stakeholders.
Since the publication by the UN of a charter of 17 Sustainable Development objectives to produce a better, more lasting and sustainable future for humanity accompanied by measured progress indicators, Syntezia Sàrl has formulated a strategy, challenges and objectives to guide and monitor the creation of extra-financial value within the field of Sustainable Development.
Our value creation model(s) is multidimensional, beyond just economic value, we have established a positive system of values for the human species and the planet, a meaning or "raison d'être", unifying for the social body of our company, our customers, and more broadly all the extended stakeholders of Syntezia Sàrl.
Our other commitments
We are also committed to other equally important dimensions
Discover our commitments in terms of:
- Environmental sustainability
- Responsible Digital
- Balance between professional and personal life
- Inclusion and Diversity
- Lifelong training