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syntezia open - eco-responsible events
syntezia open is an open lab event format, which allows the emergence of new ideas, new projects and new teams. We offer it as is and in a modular white label format to businesses and event organizers. Many partnership possibilities exist, in particular to co-organize challenges and calls for projects
More Details
1. Choice of place and date:
- Choose places accessible by public transport or by bike.
- Choose dates outside peak energy consumption.
- Ensure that the location has environmental certification.
2. Logistics and transportation:
- Favor local service providers committed to an eco-responsible approach.
- Use electric or hybrid vehicles for transportation.
- Offer carpooling or shuttle solutions.
3. Scenography and decoration:
- Use durable and reusable materials.
- Favor natural and local settings.
- Reduce energy and water consumption.
4. Food and Drink:
- Offer organic and local menus.
- Favor seasonal and short-circuit products.
- Reduce the amount of food waste.
5. Communication and awareness:
- Communicate about the event’s eco-responsible commitment.
- Raise participants’ awareness of eco-responsible actions.
- Offer activities and workshops on the theme of the environment.
We can also offer
- A carbon footprint of the event
- Offsetting greenhouse gas emissions
- The establishment of an eco-responsible charter for participants
Benefits for businesses:
- Improved brand image and reputation
- Strengthening social cohesion and employee commitment
- Reduction of costs and environmental impacts
- Attractiveness to customers and partners
Organizing an eco-responsible event such as syntezia open is an excellent way for companies to commit to sustainable development and contribute to environmental protection.